2011 Archive - Faculty News

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SBR Talk

Professor Bisom-Rapp to Speak About Social Media in the Workplace

Professor Susan Bisom-Rapp will be one of two featured speakers at the May 18 dinner of the San Diego Labor and Employment Relations...
By | May 10, 2011
Cohn Cameras Cover

New Printing of Professor Cohn's "Cameras in the Courtroom"

TJSL Professor Marjorie Cohn has released a new printing of her book Cameras in the Courtroom: Television and the Pursuit of Justice, co-...
By | April 25, 2011
Richard Winchester

Professor Winchester is Fulbright Scholar

Professor Richard Winchester has been named as a Fulbright Scholar to teach in Tunisia during his sabbatical leave, which begins in...
By | April 18, 2011
Simon at Cardozo

Professor Simon Speaks at Cardozo Law School in New York

On March 21, Professor Brenda Simon traveled to New York to present her paper exploring the control of information in patent law at...
By | March 23, 2011
Professor Bisom-Rapp in Italy

Professor Susan Bisom-Rapp in Italy for Conference

Professor Susan Bisom-Rapp traveled to Modena, Italy to deliver a paper at the Ninth International Conference in Commemoration of Marco...
By | March 17, 2011
KJ Greene on the Road

Professor K.J. Greene Takes IP on the Road and Back Home Again

From Coast to Coast: Professor K.J. Greene Takes IP on the Road and Back Home Again That TJSL Professor K.J. Greene is a nationally...
By | March 4, 2011
Bisom-Rapp to Italy

Professor Bisom-Rapp Going to Italy

For the fifth year in a row, Professor Susan Bisom-Rapp will be attending the annual Marco Biagi Commemorative Comparative Labour Law...
By | March 3, 2011
Cohn Susman Lecture

Professor Cohn Delivers Susman Lecture at ALBA in San Francisco

Professor Marjorie Cohn gave the Annual Abraham Lincoln Brigade Archives (ALBA) Bill Susman Lecture in San Francisco on February 25....
By | February 2, 2011
Christensen Book

Professor Leah Christensen Publishes New Book

Thomas Jefferson School of Law Professor Leah Christensen has just had her latest book “Learning Outside the Box," published by Carolina...
By | January 25, 2011
Prof. Cohn Book

Professor Cohn's New Book

Thomas Jefferson School of Law Professor Marjorie Cohn is the editor and co-author of a new book published by NYU Press,  “Torture and...
By | January 5, 2011
