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TJSL Tied for Second in Nation for Reporting Graduate Employment Data

Published: January 19, 2012
LST Report
May 2010 Graduates

Thomas Jefferson School of Law is tied for second in the nation among ABA-accredited law schools that report the most employment data, according to an analysis of a new report by Law School Transparency (LST.) The data is based on 2010 graduates and the analysis appears today(1-24-12) on the National Jurist magazine website.

TJSL is tied with the University of Houston Law School. Both schools reported data in 13 of the 18 categories examined by LST. Michigan State University was first, reporting in 15 of the categories.

LST visited the websites of 197 ABA law schools to analyze the reporting of employment data.

“We have made every effort to be transparent regarding our graduates’ employment statistics,” said TJSL Dean Rudy Hasl. “Historically, we have presented factually correct information but in much greater detail than required by any of our accreditors.”

The study also shows that TJSL was not only first among California law schools, but well ahead of all other law schools in the state.

The National Jurist analysis is based-on the data from Law School Transparency’s Winter 2012 Transparency Index Report.

Read the school-by-school Transparency Index.

The ABA’s section on law schools is expected to adopt new rules soon regarding how much employment information should be provided.